Call for Abstracts 2018
City+ 2018: The International Conference for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers on Urban Studies
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that the ‘City+ 2018’ conference will be held on 15th September 2018 at the Bartlett School, University College London. We encourage you to participate in this year’s conference by submitting an abstract or as a conference delegate. ‘City+ 2018’ is expected to contribute to the critical research of urban studies, contributing to our further understanding of cities. PhD students and early career researchers from multiple disciplines will have a wonderful opportunity to share their background knowledge and research experiences, co-creating an innovative discussion on urban future. Serving as a platform, this event is expected to enhance academic network aiming at facilitating young researchers working closely at the forefront of the field of urban studies.
Sincerely yours,
The ‘City+ 2018’ organising committee
Keynote speakers
Prof. Chris Hamnett, Emeritus Professor
Department of Geography, King’s College London
Prof. D’Maris Coffman, Professor in Economics and Finance of the Built Environment,
The Bartlett School of Construction & Project Mangement, Univeristy College London
Prof. Cheng Tao, Professor of Geoinformatics
Department of Civil, Environ &Geomatic Engineering, University College London
Academic Advisory Board
Dr Yiyun Chen (WHU), Dr Ying Jin (Cambridge), Dr Bin Li (PKU), Dr Tingting Lu (SJTU), Dr Ed Manley (UCL), Dr Jing Meng (Cambridge), Dr Deborah Potts (KCL), Dr Andrew Sudmant (UCL), Dr Yanhua Xie (Wisconsin-Madison), Dr Yimin Zhao (LSE)
Event Format
The City+ event will begin and end with keynote speakers. In between, three plenary sessions will be held in sequence. Each plenary session includes paper presentations (12mins) and Q&A session. We will also hold a poster session during the coffee breaks and drinks.
We welcome all submission with an urban focus and especially those in the following areas:
- Session 1: Justice City and Inclusive Urbanism
- Session 2: Urban Energy, Environment and Economy
- Session 3: Smart Cities and Urban Analytics
Submission of other topics will be also considered and we encourage sessions across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
Abstract submission is via by 31 May 2018 (now has been extended to 15 June 2018). Your submission should contain (1) title, (2) presentation type, (3) conference session if is intended, (4) abstract in 200 – 300 words. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the conference committee. We will respond to your submissions by 30th June 2018.
Supporting journal
Selected papers will be recommended for publication in Journal of Cleaner Production (impact factor: 5.7), which is an international journal focusing on cleaner production and sustainability research. Authors need to indicate whether they would like to be included in this recommendation.
Conference Organisers
The Bartlett, University College London
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Department of Geography, King’s College London
Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
City+ Research Network
Organising Committee
Yang Song (KCL), Yongping Zhang (UCL), Zhifu Mi (UCL), Tianren Yang (Cambridge), Mengqiu Cao (UCL), Yiru Jia (Cambridge), Zhicheng Liu (UCL), Fred C. Sanders (TU Delft), Frank Chuang (UCL), Shanshan Xie (Cambridge)
Coference website
Conference bursary
The bursary will provide a contribution towards travel to London, up to 50 GBP per head (Note: only applies to to participants who make a 12-mins-paper presentation).
More about City+
City+, currently London-based, is a research network led by postgraduate students and early career researchers workings at the frontier of urban studies. The first City+ conference was held on 23 September 2017 at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge. Over seventy delegates from eighteen universities across the UK, Netherland, Denmark, Italy and China attended the event. The one-day conference brought together participants working on a diverse range of disciplines, from social equality and right to the city, to urban mobility, regeneration, housing, environment, energy, data analytics and smart technology. More information of ‘City+ 2017’ conference can be found at: